Saturday, 15 September 2012

Trampolie pup!


Hey guys! I'm visiting my grandparents this week. I saw that my Mom just posted a blog...she misses me a lot. I hear that she keeps making my dad watch videos of me. He thinks she is crazy. Crazy for me!

Speaking of videos, I have some up on youtube now!

Here is some trampoline fun with Matti and Aunt Megan!

And some beach fun!  I'm pretty cute!!

Comic Pup

I'm missing Ollie right now because Pat and I are away on a road trip, and he's staying with his grandparents. But I thought you might all be missing the little nugget as well, so I thought I would post some of his funnier moments.

Enter...comic pup!

Dreaming puppy after his puppy shower.

Pinky and the Brain never gets old.

That's all for now, other than "Hello from Texas!".

Sunday, 9 September 2012

It's business time...


So, I thought you might all be interested in what I do at work all day long. It's not just naps and hanging out with the ladies! Though it's not business time in the sense of Flight of the's still pretty excellent.

I wear my uber professional tie and make very important decisions at the board room table. To nap, or not to nap?

I look up to my co-workers. They are generally taller than me as a rule.

And OBV...I look gooood in this tie! It's hard work to be ridiculously good looking!